Tea Thyme

Sit back and relax. Remember when you were a child and the living was easy. Where you didn't have to worry about bills, car payments, or the stock market crisis. Back when you ran outside at dusk and caught lightening bugs. Before political correctness took away cops and robbers, and cowboys and Indians.
You'll meet my family--or a reasonable facsimile thereof, some small town characters, and we'll even share some old fashioned herbal lore.
So, have a seat, get a cup of tea, and relax in that vanishing world--small town America.

Friday, July 25, 2008

RIP Randy Pausch


The world is a poorer place tonight. Randy Pausch, the college professor who authored The Last Lecture, has died. He leaves behind his wife, and 3 small children. If you haven't read this book, or watched this video--please do so. He never sought the notarity that he achieved. He simply wanted to be a college professor, husband and father. But unfortunately for him that wasn't in the cards for him. As the result of the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, he delivered what he thought would be his last lecture to his students. It moved them so, that they asked for a repeat. Then the college found out about it. Then it was videoed and put on youtube. Then came the book, the interviews, the tours.

Randy Pausch lived one day at a time, and lived his life to the fullest. If I am able to live half as well as he did, I will consider myself rich indeed.

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