Tea Thyme

Sit back and relax. Remember when you were a child and the living was easy. Where you didn't have to worry about bills, car payments, or the stock market crisis. Back when you ran outside at dusk and caught lightening bugs. Before political correctness took away cops and robbers, and cowboys and Indians.
You'll meet my family--or a reasonable facsimile thereof, some small town characters, and we'll even share some old fashioned herbal lore.
So, have a seat, get a cup of tea, and relax in that vanishing world--small town America.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The County Fair

If you have never had the good fortune to attend a that small slice of Americana known as the county fair--you are really missing out on a lot. Let me elaborate my recent experience at the fair. Our county fair was held recently. Every night is a different featured event--as well as other smaller events.

Thursday night's main attraction was the motocross races. But the main event for a lot of the kids was the jr livestock auction. Everything was auctioned from chickens to beef cows and all the money went to the kids who raised the livestock. If you have never seen this phenomena, then you need to make a point to go see one--at least once in your life.

The 4-H leader had 15 or so kids, ranging in ages from 3 to 15 holding chickens, which were being bid on by various and sundry relatives, politicians, and business owners. A 3 year old held a chicken bigger than she was and grandad bought it for the humongous sum of $35.00. Chickens got loose from the kids and ran around the pen, with children in hot pursuit.
And when one little brown haired beauty finished showing her bird and it was purchased--instead of putting the bird back in the cage and returning to the "waiting area" for the auction to be over with, she walked out of the show ring, walked up to said politician which bought the chicken and tried to give it to him. "MOMMA!!" she was heard to wail "He won't take it!"

Waiting in the wings for the poultry sale to be over, were the hogs. Not only did chickens get loose and run amok, but one of the hogs got loose and ran into the show ring, which caused another round of laughter from children and adults alike.

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